22 March, 2013

'Time is always right to do what is right.' Know facts about time here....

10. Days get 1.4 milliseconds longer every century as Earth's rotation slows. At the time of dinosaurs a day lasted 23 hours.

09. We all live in the past. The time lag between things happening and us experiencing them is around 80 milliseconds.

08. Stalin abolished the weekend in 1930 to increase productivity. The Soviet Union then changed its week to 6 days and eventually back to 7 days in 1940.

07. The shortest moment of time that can exist is Planck time. It is approximately 5.39 * 10^-44 seconds long.

06. If Earth's existence were compressed into just 24 hours humans would arrive at 1 minute to mid-night.

05. Up until the 1800's most villages had their own time zones. Clocks were synchronized to the locar solar noon, making train travel somewhat complicated.

04. The World's most accurate clock measures vibrations with a single atom of mercury. In 1,000,000,000 years, it will not loose a single second.

03. All animals have same life span at roughly 1.5 billion heartbeats. An elephant lives longer than a mouse because its heart beats slower.

02. Einstein found that gravity slows down time. Subsequently hot air balloon passengers age a few nano seconds more per flight.

01. Some scientific theories suggest the expansion of cosmos is an illusion caused by the slowing of time. According to this time may eventually stop.


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